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Trim the Fat!


Is your shop making your customer feel dizzy with too many options?

My shop has been ‘closed’ so I can create new products and increase the quality of my pictures. While I have been on a temporary sabbatical I have been on inspiration overload. I want to make everything for everyone! The more I sit and think about it the more I realize that it would be impossible for me to create something to please everyone. My store is more of a hobby for me rather than a must-make-money-now aspiration. So I came to the conclusion that the only person I really should be trying to please is myself.
I have heard so many people on Etsy saying that the more things you have the better the chances to sell something. I, however, am starting to think that keeping things simpler, not only for me but for my customers, is the way to go. I started to stress when I thought about trying to keep up with the Jones’, as it were. I have browsed through shops that have only 25 items to sell and they are doing well. When I looked back through and analyzed my shop, I realized my shop was too confusing and loaded with unrelated items. So, I trimmed the fat and came back with a shop that is more cohesive and simpler for my customers to navigate and for myself to manage.

Keep it Simple


A clean and simple shop is enjoyable to look at and easy to navigate.

Information overload is one of the common side effects of the digital age. We are all so bombarded with the plethora of choices presented to us that it leaves many stranded and frustrated trying to make even the simplest of choices. Remember, to keep your customers happy AND coming back for more, make one thing and make it well! Having one exceptionally well made item can sell itself one hundred times over a mediocre creation. What is your specialty? What one item can propel your shop? Focus on that one specialty item and invest in it. Spreading yourself too thin can stress you and confuse your customers.

Trim the Fat

Take a look at your shop and pick out those items that get the least amount of views and treasury listings. Are those items ones you can consider eliminating from your shop? Do you enjoy making those items? Perhaps it’s time to replace those items with your best-selling items in different variations or eliminate the extra space all together. Keep your best-sellers close to you and capitalize on their success. If you’re like me you would rather sell one great item at $100 than 100 sub-standard items at $1. It’s just common sense.

Running a business is stressful enough. Keep things even simpler for yourself by cleaning out your store of unnecessary bulk. Your customers will be happy  and you will be thanking yourself for making your life easier.

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